Nutrient content - substance in a cigarette

Each lit a cigarette which would issue than 4000 toxic chemicals that can be harmful and deadly aka death, is minimal pain. With every puff of a cigarette is like a deadly suction and suction enjoyed with a variety of pain sensation. Among the contents of cigarette smoke including radioactive material (polonium-201) and materials - materials used in the paint (acetone), washing the floor (ammonia), naphthalene (a substance containing camphor / camphor), insecticide (DDT), rat poison (arsenic), bercunan gas (hydrogen cyanide) used in the "death chamber" for prisoners who were sentenced to death, and many more. However, the most important toxins are tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Tar containing at - least 43 chemicals known to cause cancer (karsiogen). Materials such as benzopyrene which is a kind policlynic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been ratified as an agent that triggers cancer. Nicotine as well as heroin, amphetamines, and cocaine, influencing acts in the brain and has the effect of the system mesolimbik to make a person become addicted. Syndrome addicted to nicotine indicated by symptoms tolerans and pull, is probably more powerful than other drugs. Nicotine hingga10 5 times more powerful psychoactive effect on humans than cocaine and morphine. A person who ran out of cigarettes sometimes behaved like a common disorder and in very distressed circumstances. Nicotine has contributed to the major risk of heart disease and stroke. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is usually released by the burning of motor vehicles. This gas input hold oxygen to the body's tissues-jarigan to cause tissue oxygen deprivation and subsequent death sendainya carbon monoxide in the blood exceeds 60%. Apabilaracun cigarettes it enters the human body, it will leave a trail of destruction in almost all organs of the body, starting from the nose, mouth, throat, bronchi, lungs - lungs, digestive tract, blood vessels, heart, sexual organs, to the urinary tract, this can happen within a virtually unknown by the smoker.

Milan Tomic

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